Samstag, 7. Januar 2012

The new year

Nearly one week of the new year has passed. That so so awaited new year.
The last one wasn't really satisfying so I really hope this year will be a delight. We have plans. Great plans. Grand plans.
So these are my new years resolutions (though I'm really no person who makes new years resolutions, i mean: what for? to dump them after two weeks?). What I now call new years resolutions are just our plans and what I'm personally into right now. Ok.

As you can guess from the last posts I'm kind of curious about the raw ("rrroarrr") thing right now. my husband has been eating raw for a while now. not completly strict but in his own strictness. i mean raw nuts are not really affordable for us right now. but he for example doesn't eat sweets. even if they're raw. so it's a mixture. for christmas he got a mixer and now we're both obsessed with it. the green smoothie to start the day really makes me excited. maybe it's just a mind thingie but giving myself a high dose of fruits and green leaves as a breakfast makes me feel good. even if after an hour or so I'm hungry again and eat some bread or whatever. So apart from that I also want to try out other raw recipes right now. I already made raw hazelnut milk two days ago. and want to try raw cashew cheese and stuff like this. or raw lentil soup. or ..well theres much to discover.

to sum this up:
1) eat my greens!

But THE plan for this year is of another dimension. This year we will move to the states. Within the last year we slowly developed this idea. First it was more like a joke or phantasie but after a while we thought: why not? what's speaking against this?
And so in the end of the year we started to apply for a visa. Since my husband is american it is possible for him to sign a petition for me to become a permanent. There is still a chance that they might deny it, there is still a chance that the process will fail, but we have to think optimistic and if nothing goes wrong we will spend most of the year on another continent.

2) move to the USA!

Before that I will finally finish my studies. On 16th and 17th of january I have my final exams that include performing my childrens piece for the jury and having an interview with them. I already gave them a thesis I wrote that is also part of the diploma. So in a bit more than a week I'm done. I can't believe it. I delayed for so long. And now I'm doing it. I'll get that stupid paper and I never have to think about it again. (I probably will. But that's another question.)

3) go for my diploma!

The rest will be somewhat results of the first three. Moving for example will change everything. We'll have to built up a new live. We'll have to find jobs, a home, deal with that stupid insurance stuff etc. And after nearly three years I will get to know the family of my husband apart from phone and emails. Before that we'll have to get rid of our stuff. And find a ship (yes, we are planning on doing it the old fashioned way) and

- I don't know. But now you know.
So that's it for today. I hope that your plans for this year as well as my plans will become reality. After nearly one year of blogging I wanted to let you know that I appreciate that there seem to be some people that regularly read my blog. Thank you!

4 Kommentare:

Steffi / herzekleid hat gesagt…

DAS sind ja mal Neuigkeiten! :-) Ich wünsch Euch Alles Gute und viel Erfolg bei der Umsetzung aller Pläne!
Bei uns wird es auch viel Neues geben dieses Jahr.... Wird also spannend!
Ich lese übrigens regelmäßig bei dir, auch wenn ich nicht oft was zu kommentieren weiß...
LG, Steffi

Fee ist mein Name hat gesagt…

Wow, das sind mal spannende Pläne. Ich wünsche jetzt schon mal alles Gute für die Umsetzung... Danke übrigens für die pie crust Idee, das werde ich bestimmt mal probieren, die ist super :)! Liebste Grüße, Fee

Lillesis hat gesagt…

Zwar keine neuen Neuigkeiten, aber ich will dir trotzdem nochmal schreiben, dass ich das (wenn auch schade!) total mutig und toll finde, dass ihr einen so großen Schritt wagen wollt. Ich wünsche, dass deine Pläne funktionieren und du die Kraft und das Durchhaltevermögen hast, diese Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen. :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Omg! Ich bin alleine schon beim lesen ganz aufgeregt geworden! Das wird super!!! Alles gute!(nur nicht mit Ausrufezeichen gespart.