I'm knee deep in eggplants and eggplant recipes. Actually I prefer the french name aubergine much better, thus I'm going to use it, as they do in germany and the UK.
Where did they come from?
My in laws found them. Four huge boxes filled with huge aubergines were sitting next to the free food building, up for grabs. I'm glad they took only one box since it contains already maybe 30 big pieces of eggplant. Oh yes. And since they don't eat a lot of fresh / don't cook much and Sisto doesn't either it's pretty much up to me to keep up with them.
Alas, aubergine it is. - No time to write, they are waiting for me in the kitchen...
1 Kommentar:
Leeeeecker! Ich kenn ein paar geile Rezepte für Aubergine! Wir machen nächste Woche Baba ganoush und Ofen-Aubergine mit Harissa, wenn die dann noch da sind ;)
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