Unfortunately the last owner wasn't completely honest about the condition and after we took the van home, it wouldn't start again. The battery was broke. But something else was wrong with it, too. Cause after we had gotten another battery and replaced the old one it still didn't start immediately.
When we opened up the motor case (that's between the two front seats) there was a revelation. Some little animal, a squirrel probably, had built a nest inside the insulation. And the whole motor block was full with acorns and dirt. So i was vacuuming the nuts out of every tiny little corner and from between cables and plugs.
The thing had also bitten trough some cables. So one of the cylinders wasn't working. Probably the problem why it didn't start properly. We have to get it checked by a mechanic. But first Sisto needs his Florida drivers license, so we can get a license for our car.
Rear seats and bench were thrown out by Sisto. We try to sell them. We wanna built a bed in the back, so we can really do a comfy trip to the West and sleep in the bus wherever we are. Without worrying about motels and costs. We already fell in love with that old thing, though it's a little bit frustrating that we can't just get going immediately but have to fix it first. But still it's better to have it fixed here than having major issues while our trip.
One last thing: yes, this car is absolutely a no-go when it comes to economics and pollution. I know. We know. And we would love to have one of those lately-on-the-market vans, that have the space and the good fuel economy. But since we are just poor, at this time of our life we cannot afford something like this. In any other situation I would never ever buy such a big and reckless car. But we have to travel the country. We want to sleep somewhere. And we have some stuff to transport.
2 Kommentare:
aber hallo! sehr hübsch ihr drei!!! sieht super geräumig aus und das nest im motorraum ist ja krass, obwohl ich beim anblick echt lachen musste. ;) naja und wegen dem schlechten gewissen, ich weiß nicht... was da alles an feinstaub, co2, wasser, energie usw. produziert / verschwendet wird, wenn ein neuer van produziert wird, ist es doch im verhältnis bestimmt besser, diesen noch einge jahre zu fahren. (klar sag ich das, weil ich auch ein altes auto fahre.) ich wünsch euch jedenfalls viele tolle erlebnisse und immer etwas kraftstoff im tank! ;)
Hehehe, a squirrel in the motor block? Probably sounds funnier than it was, but hey, the van is animal-friendly! ;)
And it really looks nice, especially after cleaning. :) I hope that it'll work well after you fixed everything.
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