Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

"Everyday a bit" I said to myself

On monday I started this project. And since then went some steps towards my new blouse 'violet'. Yeay.
Let me show you..
This was monday: Just paper and pen. Paper and pen. Paper and pen...

No wait! I forgot. It was my day off work, and I sat the whole evening cutting the main fabric (and forgot to take pictures). My back did hurt like hell in the end. The table is too low for this work.

This was tuesday:
Now with fabric.. And fusible interfacing.
Ironing it to the right parts!

And notches... Lots of them.

I like notches!

And this was wednesday: Outside monsoon and I started sewing.

Never did this bevor.. I'm proud it worked out so well.

French seams. Am I right, they are called like this?

And more notches..

This was thursday..
Starting with collar and interfacing.

I'm really not a perfectionist. I want things to be ready quick. If something is a bit cross, I most often don't mind if it doesn't affect the look. So please don't take a closer view.. (Just kidding.)
On thursday I also learned that I shouldn't iron the fusible interfacing directly. Luckily no big damages, everything could be fixed. But this was a short moment of "oh fuck -what's going on!"..

More notches. Wanna see the ground?

At ten past ten I stopped. I was getting really lazy and hushed over things too much - even with my standards. At the end 'violet' was already getting in shape -

I so can't await it to be ready. READY. And have to hurry to do a little bit today since I have to go to work again quite soon. How about your finished or partly finished projects?

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow, das wird super wenn man dem letzten Bild glauben darf! Und der Stoff schaut auch toll aus. Kleine bunte Blümchen? Ich arbeite seit einiger Zeit an unserem Kinderwagen. Mal sehen, ob ich kommende Woche fertig werde...