Montag, 18. Juni 2012

Homosassa Springs and klean kanteen

Today we went to the wildlife park in Homosassa Springs. We got to see Manatees. They are so huge, I really can't believe it! They were fed with salad. 

I'm not quite sure what to think about those kind of parks. I love to see animals so close. And this park really just had animals native to Florida. The money earned there probably helps to safe wildlife and they also have the goal to protect endangered species like manatees. And they try to wake peoples interest in wildlife, in animal protection and environmentalism. 
But at the same time there are lots of animals that are kept in captivity. And I don't think a lot of the people visiting the park think about mentioned above aspects. They wouldn't put together that helping those animals is also done by reducing the amount of plastics in your everyday life (like the bunch of bags they wrap around every item you buy in every shop around here). That you can't safe the manatees with a 1 mpg car (to exaggerate a bit). And probably most of them don't give a shit about that at all. That makes me sad.

Well. Back to something else. Cause when we came back from the trip there was a big box waiting in front of the door. And inside I found my long awaited klean kanteen bottles. I read about them on birdies blog a while ago and since then wanted to purchase them. But then we knew we would move and I didn't wanted to buy anything. So I had to wait until we were here. But now I actually did it, I ordered two of those awesome bottles! No more drinking from plastic bottles. Why that? Ok, it's written in german, but here's the amazing summary of health dangers caused by plastic.

And now we go and have some ice cream in the sun. That's Florida best...

2 Kommentare:

Birdie hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank fürs verlinken! :-)

Wieviel geht in die beiden Flaschen denn rein? Die silberne schaut ja riesig aus! :-)

Heldin hat gesagt…

Jaja, die Gedanken zu den Tieren kenne ich...ich habe für mich entschieden, nicht in Aqua-Zoos o.ä. zu gehen, weil ich einfach die Gefangenschaft nicht unterstützen will.
Aber manchmal gibt es ja so Sachen (wie zB im Klima-Haus in Bremerhaven), wo ich nicht auf die Idee gekommen bin, dass es da auch ein großes Aquarium gibt und auf einmal ging die Tour dann da hin. Und ich muss sagen, dass es schon toll und sehr faszinierend ist, Meerestiere von so nah sehen zu können!
Aber dann denke ich mir immer, noch toller wäre es, sie im echten Meer und in Freiheit zu sehen zB beim Tauchen oder so...
Ich habe auch seit ein paar Wochen eine Klean Kanteen (die von roots of compassion, die haben eine Sonderedition mit dem tollen Motiv, wo aus dem Stacheldraht fliegende Vögel/Schwalben werden, super schön!), vorher hatte ich immer eine Sigg, aber die sind von innen verrostet (auch bei meinem Mann!) und total eklig geworden. Ich finde die Flaschen toll und sehr unterstützenswert.