Still no rain in Portland. Instead the sun is shining happily above our heads and a little bit of wind starts to blow first leaves around the street. (But mostly dust because it hasn't been raining.)
We have spent the last days wondering around town to apply for jobs or just get an image of the neighborhood. We moved into our sublet two days ago. We are constantly admiring beautiful houses and at the same time wondering who can afford to rent those. Not us.
I wish I could show you those streets. Two times we have plucked a ripe fig from trees in the front yard. A lot of times you feel like walking through somebody's garden because people grow flowers, trees or even produce on between street and sidewalk. And nobody complains about it. Those are the reasons for us to want to stay here. But we're not sure yet.
Still we have a hard time finding an affordable place to stay. We don't want to sublet. We're not comfortable living with other people. But we cannot afford thousand dollar for rent alone. Who can? Oh yes, I forgot. People with real jobs.
We don't have jobs yet. We might have a short term job for two weeks. And I probably have an interview which is already a step forward. But after all, this is a fragile thing. And the view friends we have here will sooner or later leave the town.
Today we took a rest from all those questions and searches. Today we had a lazy day. Today we watched IT. Watching horror movies in the daytime doesn't give me the creeps. It was fun.
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