Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

Astoria I

We woke up sunday having the urge to go straight to Astoria. So we did. Stocking up on things for breakfast, driving over a bridge, it was just a couple of miles. Entering Astoria we were excited by the looks of the giant bridge that crosses the Columbia river. Went onto the first parking lot close to the river and had breakfast. 
Then we went for a walk. A giant ship just entered the river and passed us. We enjoyed being at the water front and walked along a trail that was going on along the river for the whole length of the town. Exploring lots and lots of things in the water and on the hills that are covered by really beautiful houses.
After a long while next to the tracks of Astorias "trolley" which we found out was running that day but it wasn't running that early. We finally came to a spot were we started to hear the loud voices and barks of sea lions. I knew there were sea lions and that they might be in the harbor but hearing and seeing them was such an amazing and flabbergasting experience that it is hard to describe. We stood there listening and watching them for a long while though they were pretty far away. 
Then we went back to the car and started our search for the big rock (that I posted a picture of a couple of days ago). 

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