Last I transferred the little, not so little any more, kale and arugula plants into the new bed. Most of them had still been in the plastic shells I started the seeds in.
Unfortunately the nights are getting pretty cool already. And the two biggest arugulas had their leaves hanging the next morning. But there's still hope that they come back.
I also found out a couple days ago that the compost is composting. I wanted to move it since this is what you need to do every now and then, right? When I emptied the bin I found a maggot party feasting on some fresh scraps. But there already was some good smelling dark compost with lots of huge worms in the middle. So I re-stacked it all and am looking forward to using it!
1 Kommentar:
Woooow, these look really nice! :) Did the two wilted one make it? Ma said, that the temperature shouldn't be a problem, and that it was maybe the transition to another soil.
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