Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

Autumn Weather - Autumn Food

This really makes me feel awful. Sad. Depressed.

This makes it a bit better. Not completely.

The first hokkaido yesterday was the perfect find in the supermarket and presented us a perfect warm and healthy oven dish today. All those colourful veggies are so beautiful, don't you agree? Who finds the hidden zucchini?
Since I'm vegan vegetables and fruits regularly make me feel good. Finding and buying them. Preparing and eating. It's so delightful and I really owe being aware of this pleasure to my new diet and lifestyle. I love being vegan.

More baking for the interested ones:

I baked my first corn bread today. Yummie, quick and easy. Though it's more a treat or snack than a bread. But that doesn't dismiss it. No.
(200 g corn flour, 200 g wheat flour, 100 g brown sugar or agave syrup or maple syrup, 1 pack of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup canola oil - lightly grease a pan, preheat oven to 180°C, mix the dry ingredients, mix in the wet stuff, pour batter into pan, bake for 30-40 minutes, check with a stick if the bread is ready.)

I also baked my first banana bread some days before. And since it was so delicious a day later I just changed that recipe a bit to get breakfast muffins. I reduced the sugar to just a minimum and added some currants and a bit of linseed. The recipe I got was this one from Joy the baker. Trust me it's worth killing. (Lots of bananas.)

Life could be perfect.
If there wasn't the weather..
and a lot of stupid stuff to do.

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh, jetzt hab ich Lust auf das Bananenbrot. Komm mal rüber auf mein Blog, ich hab da was verlinkt, was DIch interessieren könnte (vielleicht kennst Du es aber auch schon)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Eben! Fast die gleiche Szenerie! Nur weniger Blut!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich war auch völlig fasziniert davon, wir hatten das zufällig auf einem Sommerfestival gesehen. Es gab sogar ein mehrstöckiges Haus und in jedem Zimmer war was los!

Anonym hat gesagt…

In Barcelona. Nimm doch mal Kontakt mit der Frau auf. (ich würd´s einfach halten, ihr Englisch scheint mies zu sein). Vielleicht kannst Du ja mal was bei Dir da organisieren? Oder kennst irgendeine Einrichtung die sie einladen sollte?