Freitag, 30. November 2012

BIG time questionmark

J and E signed the lease yesterday. And we got the keys.
They said that unfortunately we wouldn't be able to move into the house before sunday night. But they took off 200 bucks from the first month which is pretty awesome for one day delay.

But then yesterday night Sisto and me went to have a look at the house again ( since we had the keys) and saw that nothing's finished. They spent two weeks in the house and havn't even finished painting the walls. Three of the rooms still look as crappy as when we went to see the house. Big hole in the wall and stuff like that. And apart from that they havn't started with the floor which is supposed to be renewed. This at least takes three days. I really don't know what they've been doing in there all the time.

I really wonder how they're going to fix that situation!

Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

Counting down days

Got fired on monday.
I didn't make quote for three days in a row. It's enough to move in at least. Hopefully Sisto's finding a job pretty soon. If not, there are a few more groups that hire people for canvassing immediately.

Now it's wednesday which means we can move in in three f*cking days. Isn't that crazy? I can't believe it. Just had a house meeting to discuss the rooms and prices.

Spending the other time looking for free stuff on craigslist. And catching light and fresh (pretty cold) air  outside. The moon is full tonight. It had a crazy bright halo yesterday night already. And the impact on my mood is questionable.

Things will be in progress again so soon!

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

Morning in the forest

We hiked through forest park today. Got up at 6 and went there together with J. Spent 4 hours walking a pretty tall round. I counted bird poop and spotted 75 ones. It was nice. And calm. And foggy.

Donnerstag, 22. November 2012

Nights in the van

Just a few more nights until we finally get to move into the first steady place since the end of april this year.

We came a long way.. Yesterday we got unbelievable news: In the beginning of december we will actually be able to move into a house. Together with a bunch of awesome folks.
Until then we stay at the motel where two of them are living right now and sleep in our van. And since the first night already passed we know it will totally be fine.

Today we spent a great day preparing lots of food and having a picnic on a graveyard. It got dark pretty soon, we had candles and all those great things to eat. We could see the snowy cap of Mount Hood and had the best time you could possibly think of.

It just feels so good.

Samstag, 17. November 2012


Lucky. We got the offer to stay at a co-workers place since our sublet ran out. She's out of town for a week. There's no internet.
We got to look at a house today. We want to move in. It's not ready yet, so wish us luck we can move in december first or earlier.
That situation sucks!

Mittwoch, 14. November 2012

Knocked out

yesterday. felt weird in the morning. went to work. was tired. felt dizzy. nauseous a little bit later. threw up. went home. slept the whole day. and the whole night. Was that necessary on top of all that stress? C'mon.

Dienstag, 13. November 2012


finished my first training day with the new job. Fullfilled my quote.

Freitag, 9. November 2012

After the job is before the job.

Good news is: I found another job.
It'll start on monday. And it means a little bit safety regarding our money, and being able to rent a room.

Bad news is:
There is no room yet to rent. The house we applied for denied our application today. After two weeks of letting us wait again and again J. got a letter that we wouldn't get the house. No explanation. Period.
There's another house we are trying to get in now, but who knows when that will be. Probably we have to stay in our bus for a few days. And it's cold. Wow.
And I'm working.
Full time.
No time for nice stuff, no time for theatre and my things.

You either work full time or you don't. That's it. Portland is treating us like sh*t. Literally.

I tried to spend the day doing nice things.
Yesterday we went to a fig tree we had seen a week ago. It's around the corner. It's full of ripe figs and nobody seems to care or seems to harvest them. They just fall onto the ground. Plop. Fig mud on the ground. I collected some. I also took three apples from a big tree that's hanging full, too. And seven raspberries that tasted delicious.

Today I made fig and apple jam. It worked pretty well though I didn't use any pectin apart from the apples. Two glasses.
Tomorrow we'll go and get us a warm blanket. In case we have to stay in the bus. And even if we don't have to we probably need a warm blanket. Cause, as I mentioned, it's getting pretty cold here right now.

More nice things I did during the last days enjoying my after-elections-free-time: apple sauce, banana bread, going to a show, drinking some beer, going for a walk with Sisto, cooking potato / carrot mash and I even got my knitting stuff out an hour ago.

Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

A classy doughnut

Got my first vegan doughnut in the States. I was looking for doughnuts already back in Florida, but then every damn one had eggs or milk or whey-tever..

't was gone too soon.

Apart from that: relief. Though I don't think it makes that much of a difference who wins, it still makes a difference. A little bit more social awareness please.

More RELIEF that my job did end today. Though the last days were kind of easy (compared to candidates-blabla and marriage campaigning) just walking around in Portland neighborhoods, saying "hey have you voted already? did you mail it or drop it? you did not? so make sure you're dropping your ballot in time"... I really need a break.

Until tomorrow. When I apply for another canvassing job.

Now I'm curious on how Washington will decide on same-sex marriage. Maryland and Maine got it, open end...

Sonntag, 4. November 2012

So your daughter is old enough to vote, but she's not old enough to make her own decisions? - would have been an appropriate answer. Instead I wished him a good day while he slammed the door in my face.
What a jerk!

Today was ok though.
I just wished looking for a room and a job would be more successful. No progress at all.